There are many reasons to consider using a motorcycle shipping company to transport your motorcycle to or from an event or group ride. If you are contemplating having a shipping company transport your motorcycle you will need to plan ahead and prepare your motorcycle for shipping.
The first thing to do is to check with the motorcycle transport company you are working with to determine the lead time requirements to make sure you have your motorcycle when you need it for the event or group ride. Many riders ship their motorcycles round-trip to and from an event or group ride. Other riders ship their motorcycles to an event or group ride and ride them back to their home state. If you are only shipping your motorcycle one way it is always better to ride your motorcycle to the event or group ride and ship it home rather than vice versa. If you ride the motorcycle to the event or group ride, you will have your motorcycle the entire time you need it. If you ship your motorcycle to an event or group ride and the motorcycle transport company has a breakdown or some other schedule delay, it could cause your motorcycle to be delivered late.